Sciatica Part 1

So you’ve got this funky leg pain that starts in your glutes and maybe travels down the back/side of the leg into the calf. Google has diagonsed you with “sciatica”. But what actually IS sciatica and are you sure that’s what you’ve got??...

Are you chair-shaped?

First off I just want to congratulate all the individuals and teams that have made it to the next phase of competition and give a massive shout out to my teammates from TEAM ALIVE for their awesome showing a couple weekends ago at the Australia/New Zealand...


If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been posting any super helpful blogs lately, it’s because I’ve been training my ass off for #Regionals2014!!!!! Yep, that’s right! I am going to be competing in the 2014 Australia/New Zealand...

14.5 Movement & Mobility Tips

The last Open 2014 has been announced! I’m fairly confident that everyone in the Crossfit world predicted the two movements – thrusters and burpees. But, I’m positive that NOBODY predicted the that we would all be suffering through the WHOLE...

14.3 Movement & Mobility Tips

So you all watched the live announcement of 14.3 and know it’s deadlifts and box jumps with ascending weight, but did you all notice how badly Stacie Tovar’s back rounded, pretty much from the second weights? I hope so. And I also hope that you won’t...

14.2 Movement & Mobility Tips

14.2 was announced a couple of hours ago – a spicy little couplet of overhead squats (95/65# or 43/30kg) and chest-to-bar pull ups. First thing that went through my mind was “thank god it’s not another Fran ladder!!” Pretty sure that a few...