If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been posting any super helpful blogs lately, it’s because I’ve been training my ass off for #Regionals2014!!!!! Yep, that’s right! I am going to be competing in the 2014 Australia/New Zealand Regional THIS WEEKEND with my super, awesome team – CROSSFIT ALIVE!

This isn’t my first trip to Regionals, but I’m still so excited! After sitting in the stands cheering last year, I made it my goal to return to the competition. A few speedbumps aside, I achieved my goal and couldn’t be more pumped to be competing again! The last 7 weeks have been pretty tough – lots and lots of training and not a whole lot of anything else. eat sleepThe body has held up pretty well, thanks to regular Physio and massage, plus doing regular mobility sessions (of course)!!!

MobilizeMe is a proud sponsor of team Crossfit Alive so I wanted to give you all a chance to get to know the team that will be representing us this weekend!

How did you get into Crossfit and what was your first WOD?

Dale: “My mate who had just gone through Police training came to my house raving about these fit guys at the academy and these workouts on this site called Crossfit.com. The fit guys, I learned much later, were Jonnie Larmore and Doug Armstrong. My first WOD was Fran; we got annihilated!”

Kim: “My rock climbing coach Sam Edwards suggested it for me. Helen was my first WOD.”

Karise: “Fight Gone Bad. All I remember was doing wall balls against the side of Jeremy Austin’s garage.”


Dale Finlayson – Head Coach/owner/Mastermind of Crossfit Alive

What are your goals/expectations for the weekend?

Kim: “To perform to the best of my abilities and have a whole lot of fun! To handstand walk further than Amy Alessi and snatch more than Sammy Drescher!”


Michelle Davison

Mish: “To do the best we possibly can and just immerse myself in what is possibly one of the best achievements of my life, from a sporting perspective.”

Beck: “I’m pretty competitive by nature so i would hope that our team will do well! My personal goal is to give 100% and leave it all out on the floor!”

How would you celebrate if you were on the podium at the end of the weekend?

Beck: I’d probably start crying thinking about all the training that we will have to do before July. Then go and get a burger at Grill’d.”

Karise: “Party like it’s 1999. Nah, I’d probably have a couple beers, eat a lot and then sleep. Then I would cry thinking about all the training!”

Dale: “Eat everything in sight (mostly waffles), let the hair down a little with a few drinks!”

Beck Smith

Beck Smith

Who is your Crossfit idol/crush?

Mish: “Camille.”

Kim: “Sam Drescher.”


Chris Daly – lover of long (handstand) walks on the beach. And lifting heavy stuff.


Kim “I believe I can fly” Pedersen Photo by Matthew Townsend


Karise Wilson – creator of MobilizeMe

Chris: “Kim Pedersen.”

Beck: “Andrea Ager.”

Who are your top 3 picks for the weekend?

Dale: “In no particular order – Brandon Swan, Rob Forte, Ben Garard. Dark horse – Keegan Woolfenden. Kara Webb, Jess Coughlan, Ruth Horrell. Schwartz’s, Tropic Thunder & Active or Athletic. Dark horse – ALIVE!!”

Beck: “Rob Forte, Chad Mackay, Ben Garard. Ruth Horrell, Kara Webb, Pip Malone. Active, Schwartz’s, ALIVE!”

Kim: “Brandon Swan, Khan Porter, Rory Boyden. Dark horse – Brendan Clarke. Kara Webb, Amy Dracup, Jess Coughlan. Dark horse – Denae Brown. Athletic, Schwartz’s, Active. Dark horse – Alive!”


Watch for these guys and girls down in Wollongong this weekend! GOOD LUCK TEAM CROSSFIT ALIVE!!!

Make sure to follow MobilizeMe on Facebook – www.facebook.com/mobilizeyourwod

Instagram @mobilizemeapp and Twitter @mobilizemeapp.