Physiotherapy is an allied health service that works closely with people to help get them out of pain and improve their quality of life. There is a wide range of injuries and issues that Physiotherapists can provide help with. As a first contact provider, Physiotherapists can assess, diagnose and treat injuries without the need for a referral from a GP or specialist Doctor.
Physiotherapy can help repair injuries, decrease pain, improve range of motion, assist in improving mobility and activities of daily living.
Physiotherapists are qualified to assist a broad scope of conditions including, but not limited the following :
Cardiorespiratory – rehabilitaton/support of people living with heart and/or lung disease
Neurology – rehabilitation/support of people who have had brain injury, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, MS
Continence and Women’s Health – pre/post natal care, continence/pelvic floor issues, post prostate surgery/cancer
Orthopedics – rehabilitation following joint replacement surgery (Knee/Hip replacement), reconstructive surgery (ACL, Rotator cuff), management of osteoarthritis
Physiotherapists who treat musculoskeletal injuries can use a variety of techniques to help someone get better including manual therapy, massage, Acupuncture/Dry Needling, Exercise Prescription, strapping and Electrotherapy.