Top 4 Exercises for Sciatica

Hopefully the last blog post cleared up some confusion as to what sciatica actually is! Here are my top 4 exercises to help relieve some of your sciatic pain. Keep in mind that these exercises are to be used as a guide only and if your CAUSE of sciatica is...

Sciatica Part 1

So you’ve got this funky leg pain that starts in your glutes and maybe travels down the back/side of the leg into the calf. Google has diagonsed you with “sciatica”. But what actually IS sciatica and are you sure that’s what you’ve got??...

Are you chair-shaped?

First off I just want to congratulate all the individuals and teams that have made it to the next phase of competition and give a massive shout out to my teammates from TEAM ALIVE for their awesome showing a couple weekends ago at the Australia/New Zealand...


If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been posting any super helpful blogs lately, it’s because I’ve been training my ass off for #Regionals2014!!!!! Yep, that’s right! I am going to be competing in the 2014 Australia/New Zealand...