Gun show

Gun show

The biceps. AKA guns. The show pony of the upper body. They tend to get a whole lotta lovin’ during training – pull ups, muscle ups, bicep curls in the mirror….ok wrong crowd maybe. But how often are we actually showing these hard working muscles...
Crunchy knees?

Crunchy knees?

Crunchy sounds eminating from your knees can be a bit off-putting. Particularly if they are so noisy that they attract attention from other people during a squat session. But are they a problem? It depends. First, what IS that noise? Crunchy, grindy-type noises (like...
A quick fix for a butt wink

A quick fix for a butt wink

The dreaded butt wink. We all know what it looks like so I’m not going to write another big post about it what it is but instead talk about a very simple fix. If a person has an anterior pelvic tilt, in which the pelvis is tipped forward as a result of tight...

What’s with the pain in my Achilles?

What’s with the pain in my Achilles? So you’ve been box jumping, double undering and running. And then you see the better, faster athletes doing those “bouncy” box jumps…and they are so much faster! So you give them a crack. They’re...