Lower limb injuries can happen to anyone, whether enjoy an active lifestyle, you’re an experienced athlete, beginner or rarely do any exercise. There are always a few things you can do to minimise your chances of lower limb injuries happening to you. Here are a few tips from experienced Physio on the Gold Coast to help you prevent lower limb injuries:
Wear the right footwear
Shoes and boots come in a huge range of styles, some are more appropriate for preventing injury than others. Boots for tramping provide ankle and arch support, but are not suitable for running. Different sports shoes and boots provide protection for different applications, depending on the amount of support you need. For sports such as running, it is often best to be fitted properly at a specialty running store or ask the advice of your Physiotherapist.
Your Physiotherapist can help advise you if you spend most of your time on your feet, in jobs such as being a shop assistant, chef or hairdresser.
Many specialists recommend changing your shoes after every 600 to 1,000 kilometres or about every 8 months for a regular runner
The more supple, loose and flexible you are and the greater your range of motion is, the less likely you are to be injured. Disciplines such as Yoga or Thai Chi or other martial arts help you improve flexibility, mobility, body tone and balance
Gym workouts
Being active is important for health and having the right exercise routine is one of the best ways to ensure you reach the optimum physical and mental health potential. Working out in the gym either in group lesions or with a qualified trainer will help you learn the proper techniques to avoid injury
Listen to your body
You will not get any results without putting the effort to earn them, but do not overdo it. Your body will tell you when enough is, enough or you need to skip exercise for the day. Exercise without adequate restorative rest can lead to injury. The main reasons our bodies feel pain is to let us know when we are doing an action that is harming it
Build up gradually
When you have not trained for a while or are trying a new activity, it is important to take it slow and gradually build up so your body can adapt. Usually, it’s not a good idea to increase intensity and distance in the same week
If you’re planning on training for 5k run, it is best not to try running five kilometres on the first training day. Start with a shorter manageable distance, then increase it over time
Talk with your Physiotherapist
Your physiotherapy clinic on the Gold Coast is not only for when you injure yourself, but many people find that having a regular session with their physiotherapist for preventative assistance helps them maintain their bodies in the best shape, especially if they have some health issues.
The key to avoiding injury, especially lower limb injuries is to have regular exercise and to keep yourself flexible and supple, but not to overdo it. As our bodies age, we need to make sure we remain active and avoid putting on extra weight which can stress our limbs.