
Duck feet and squatting

Ever notice what your feet are doing while you're squatting? Probably not, but I DO. And I see it all the time. It makes my ankles, knees, hips and lower back HURT just looking at this. Poor LEFT ankle mobility What is actually going on when your feet are turning out...

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Deadlifts and Back Pain

Horse & carriage, wine & cheese, Simon & Garfunkel....these things go together. Deadlifts & back pain DO NOT go together. However, more often than not, when I get a Crossfit athlete presenting to me complaining of back pain the movement they were most likely...

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Gluteus Maximus…or not-so-gluteus maximus?

Gluteus maximus...or not-so gluteus maximus? Your gluteus maximus is the largest and strongest muscle in the body and is what gives you a ‘booty’. Having good glutes is not only important for filling out your pants but for nearly every lower body related movement in...

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Hello!I know it has been quite awhile since I last posted but I have been busy!!!I am so super excited to announce that the project I have been working on for oh, about the last 8 months has finally been launched - the FIRST and ONLY mobility App for Crossfitters!My...

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Core stabilty and Crossfit

Welcome back!Ahhh, good ol' "core stability". Everyone I am sure has heard the term before, but really what is "core stability" and how does it apply in Crossfit??Core stability is the "the muscular control required around the lumbo-pelvic and hip area to maintain...

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Shoulder issues in Crossfit

Welcome back!Firstly, I want to congratulate all the Individuals and Teams who qualified for this years Crossfit Games in Carson, California! You all deserve your spot and it was awesome watching you get there. Unfortunately, Reebok Crossfit Gold Coast finished...

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You got squat?

Up until I found Crossfit, I was one of those people who thought that squatting past parallel was bad for your knees. It was what I was taught in my Exercise Science Degree at University. "Only squat til your thighs are parallel with the ground, keep your shins...

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Mobility & Crossfit

Welcome to another blog! The 10 fundamental skills of Crossfit are: cardiovascular endurance, strength, speed, power, stamina, coordination, accuracy, balance, agility and flexibility. Notice I mentioned flexibility last. Probably because that is where most...

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1st blog!

Ok, I suppose it is time that I write something on this blog! Thank you to Jessica Coughlan and Rob Downton for setting it up for me!Here goes!My name is Karise and I am a Physiotherapist and Crossfitter! YAY for Crossfit. I discovered it about 3 years ago through a...

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