
Ankle Dorsiflexion and Squatting

Adequate ankle mobility (namely dorsiflexion) is a necessity for being able to perform a full depth, ass-to-grass squats as is required for Crossfit and Olympic Weightlifting. There are a few things that may be restricting your ankle mobility, most of which can...

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Tips for getting the most out of your mobility

We ALL need to do more mobility. We know we should do it but it often gets  overlooked by the more "fun" stuff at the box, like lifting heavy s&$t or doing muscle ups. Here are my top tips to making the most out of a mobility session! Prioritize:  what areas of...

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Weak hip flexors?

Hip flexors often get a pretty bad rap for being too tight - usually the result of too much sitting, but how many of us know if our hip flexors are actually too weak? We all know that excessive tightness limits muscle strength and this applies to our hip flexors as...

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Train how you want to perform

 Competition can bring out the best and worst in people, both in attitude and performance. I love seeing the pride on people's faces when they do their first Crossfit competition and achieve something they previously deemed to be out of their reach, it's priceless....

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Lower back pain

If you have ever suffered a lower back injury, you know it is something you never want to experience again. I, for one, can vividly remember all the time I spent suffering with crippling back and leg pain and feeling as though I would never be able to play sports...

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Tennis elbow

Thanks to everyone who requested a topic for the blog on the MobilizeMe Facebook page! So, your elbow started hurting a couple weeks ago, just a dull ache on the outside of the arm. Nothing major, just a bit niggly after lifting. So you ignore it and keep on lifting....

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How’s your form??

I know that for the most part, I tend to go on about mobility and how important it is to achieving good performance and longevity in Crossfit. But something I heard yesterday made me realize that no matter how much mobility you do, if you aren't performing the...

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1st Rib Funkiness

I was asked to do a post on 1st rib dysfunction on the MobilizeMe page so here goes!How do you know if you have a problem with the 1st rib? Neck/shoulder pain Upper trapezius tightness/spasm Headaches Jaw pain Referred pain into neck, shoulder, chest or arm Pins &...

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Why Pec Minor can be a major pain

The pectoralis minor muscle isn't one that is often discussed, probably because it is overshadowed by it's larger and more superficial (closer to the surface) friend, pectoralis major.  Pec major is that big muscle on the surface of the chest that is responsible...

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